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The Convictions of a Pastor Over Racism

I am utterly heartbroken over the murder of George Floyd. I cannot imagine what his family and friends must feel after seeing the video broadcasted day after day on our news outlets. I am also angry that this has happened again to another African American by a police officer. We have assured fellow Americans of color that we would get better at this, and we still have fail...

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Preparing Your Heart for Worship: What Are You Here For?

Right now, church re-openings and their procedures have captured my attention when they are on the news. I was watching a reporter interview one individual as he was entering his church building. She asked him, 'why did you come today?' And he responded, 'I am exercising my constitutional right to come to my house of worship!'. My thought was 'really? She asks you THAT que...

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Preparing Your Heart For Worship: Help I am Just a Volunteer

I was mad and I was frustrated. I was speaking to the customer service representative of my cable and internet company. Once again, I was having to request that they come out and fix the same problems that were supposed to have been fixed a week ago. And to top it off, I was being told that they would schedule a technician in a week. I was having to keep my temper in check...

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Preparing Your Heart For Worship: What do I do with my kid?

When you have small children, parenting is already difficult. When you throw in the environment of a pandemic it seems doubly so. These days are challenging. Most likely, you are tired of being indoors and not having playdates with other families. The constant demands of feeling like you must keep your child occupied (or entertained) make you long for 'nap time' (either th...

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Preparing Your Heart For Worship: Loving Your Neighbor

I admit that I am an introvert. People are always surprised that preachers and actors can be on a platform, yet still desire to avoid attention- but I am living proof of it. I am uncomfortable when people make much of me. Seven years ago, I had the privilege of engaging an unreached people group in South East Asia. This particular island was remote and rarely had any forei...

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Preparing your Heart for Public Worship: Embracing the Awkward

Over the next few days, I hope you will read these brief emails to prepare your heart for the re-gathering of the body. It was 10 weeks ago when we stopped having public worship at Providence. We were blessed that we already had a fantastic Media team in place to livestream our services. The elders decided to proceed in that manner. I was the first to preach in that envir...

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Peaceably Disagree

"My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires." -James 1:19-20 I've repeated these verses in James often over the years because I need the reminder. I don't want to be known as a grouch who is always loudly shouting my opinions and n...

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National Day of Prayer- May 7, 2020

The National Day of Prayer has been held annually ever since 1952 (you can read about its history here It is a day that calls upon citizens to pray for the United States. It is based upon the biblical mandate that we should pray for our government leaders and for the well-being of the land in which we live. (see 1 Timo...

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Finding That God is More Than Enough

In Matthew chapter 6 verses 19-24, Jesus spoke about the futility of looking to wealth as our source of happiness and hope for our future well-being. He then in verses 25-34 spoke about the futility of being anxious over a perceived lack of the necessities of life and fretting about that lack. Underlying each case is the conviction that God is not enough for our happiness;...

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This God- His Way is Perfect

Many times these past few weeks, I've found myself in awe. How did we get here so quickly? Worldwide pandemic. Intense financial pressure. Unprecedented isolation. Rampant anxiety. And for how long? In these trying days, I want to share with you comfort I've found from Psalm 18. You can sense David's joy as he praises God, his Savior. David had survived an intense and pro...

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