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Regretting What I Didn’t Say

After my sermon this morning, I had a check in my spirit. I felt it soon after I preached. In one particular moment, I was too heavy upon the law and too light upon grace. Our topic for the morning was on persecution in Matthew 10. As Jesus, spoke about the truth being made known, I was drawing upon the fact that nothing escapes God's eyes when it comes to justice. My word...

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Curiosities, Novelties and the Bible

My concern is for teachers of the Bible. As a teacher, it is inevitable that as you study the Bible and theology, you will come across a perspective that you have never heard before. For example, while I was studying the subject of angels and demons for my sermon in Matthew 8, I discovered some new research that tweaked my interest. None of it was relevant to what I was pr...

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What Pastor Blair Has Been Reading (from July 2020 through September 2020)

What Pastor Blair Has Been Reading(from July 2020 through September 2020) Davis, Dale Ralph. In the Presence of My Enemies. Christian Focus: Fearn, Scotland, 2020. This is Davis' third installment in this series. Previously he released, The Way of Righteousness in the Much of Life and Slogging Along in the Paths of Righteousness. This book covers Psalms 25-37 (don't...

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More Thoughts On Fasting

I was doing my personal quiet time when I came cross Zechariah chapters seven and eight. Within this section is a real warning about spiritual discipline fasting and a reminder of what purpose it should serve. In way of a reminder, Zechariah prophesied in the period between the return of the exiles from Babylon and the rebuilt temple. It was at this time a delegation came ...

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Growing through Fasting

Last Sunday, we learned about the Spiritual Discipline of fasting. It is a practice that I do not do often, but when I do, I derive great benefit from it. I have learned from several other spiritual mentors on this subject, so below is a list of recommended reading on the topic. Dave Mathis. Habits of Grace: Enjoying Jesus through the Spiritual Disciplines (Crossway, 2016...

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Phase 2 of Sunday School

We are excited to begin offering Children's Sunday School at the church. We have surveyed our parents and asked them if they are ready to have their children back and the vast majority responded with a resounding, 'yes!' So under the direction of our Children Sunday School directors, Ric and Giselle Crooks, we are pleased that we can start once again. Our planned beginning...

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August COVID-19 Update

I was asked by a very dear friend, a very good question; 'Is the church sending a mixed message by saying we want you back and then asking members to rotate church attendance?' My answer is I hope not. Allow me to explain why I think that way. Right now, due to state and CDC guidelines, we are limited in our physical space at the church. There are some churches that think...

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Re-opening Sunday School this Week

Dear Church Body, We are excited about the first phase of re-opening Sunday School. The information below will explain the procedures of how we will open the new building to begin classes. This first phase includes youth, the college and career class and adult Sunday School. Lord willing, the children's ministries will follow at some point in the near future. They still h...

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An Update on our COVID-19 Protocols

Greetings Brothers and Sisters, It has been our joy to regather in corporate worship even if all have not been able to participate. With the recent spike in our state and county of coronavirus positive tests, we wanted to update you about what we are doing. Let me remind you that there is no fool proof way to prevent the spread of the virus in any public setting. But we a...

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What Pastor Blair Has Been Reading (from April 2020 through June 2020)

Begg, Alistair. Pray Big: Learn to Pray Like an Apostle. Epsom, UK: Good Book Co., 2019. Every year, I try to read a book on prayer to inspire me in the discipline so that it doesn't become a monotonous duty. I want prayer that helps me thrive spiritually. And this short book was the right medicine for such an occasion. I did not learn much that was new. But is was an e...

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