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New Sunday School Quarter Begins

Hand with Bible image

April 2, 2017

All Day

Location: 1355 Douglass Road, Huntsville, AL 35806

Category: Bible Study

Our new adult sunday school quarter begins on April 2, 2017.  This quarter we will be offering the following courses of study.

 Daniel (Bible 227)

Taught by Doug & Stephanie Thomas

Textbook: Bible

This class is for college age students and singles. This is the second quarter of a study of the Book of Daniel. This quarter will focus on the prophecy’s contained in Daniel. A greater understanding and application of God’s word is the focus of the teaching with the aim to provide the armor of God to students as the encounter various world views on campuses and work environments today.

Philippians (Bible 250)

Taught by Dennon Clardy

Textbook: The Bible

We are consumed with the pursuit of happiness, and most often we seek happiness through the control of our circumstances, with predictable and disappointing results. If we could just get that new car or house, get that promotion we deserve, make some new friends, find a better church, meet the love of our life, etc., then we would be happy. But often we do not get what we want and even when we do the joy peaks and fades very quickly. Biblical joy comes from a resolved confidence that God is truly sovereign and controls all things for the good of the believer and for His glory. This divine joy is the theme of Philippians. The Apostle Paul nor his Philippian readers experienced circumstances that one would expect to produce joy and happiness. We will use the Bible and the MacArthur New Testament Commentary on Philippians to examine the real source of joy, peace and contentment as we live our lives in a sinfully broken world.

Biblical Discipleship (Biblical Counseling 301)

Taught by Jim Carter

Textbook: The Bible with study guidance using Counseling – How to Counsel Biblically by John MacArthur and Wayne Mack

This course will give practical instruction on Biblical Discipling/Counseling. First, it will help you in your own spiritual growth. Topics include sufficiency, superiority and practicality of the Scriptures, learning how to think and respond biblically to circumstances and relationships, progressive sanctification, giving hope, the heart of change, trials, guilt, repentance, forgiveness, worry and fear. Secondly, this course will aid you, as you have opportunity, to give biblical answers to problems people face. Our advice must be centered on God’s wisdom and not our own opinion. This course will enable you to view your circumstances and relationships from God’s perspective. Additionally you will see how to lovingly and gently point others to Christ for encouragement, hope and comfort.

Gospel of John: The Great Priestly Prayer (Bible 301)

Taught by Jim Moorhead

Textbook: Bible

John 17 is by far the longest prayer of Jesus recorded in any Gospel. It has been called “the greatest prayer ever prayed on earth and the greatest prayer recorded anywhere in Scripture.” It is said to be a literary and theological masterpiece - "the holy of holies" of the New Testament. Our first goal will be to understand the context of the prayer within the gospel of John and within the life of Christ and his disciples. Our second goal will be to explore the three major desires of Jesus prior to his crucifixion. Our final goal will be to understand how this prayer impacts our lives today both theologically and practically.